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Labyrinthos Archives

Welcome to the Labyrinthos Archives - a collection of papers, articles and guides to mazes and labyrinths, historic and modern, from around the world. 45+ years of writing, publishing and collecting of books, papers and ephemera has gathered together a considerable accumulation of information on this subject, all filed away on shelves and in cupboards and filing cabinets here at Labyrinthos HQ. This section of the website will bring some of that material back into the light.

Click the labyrinths alongside any section below to be taken to that department in our vaults…

Caerdroia Archive

The Caerdroia Archive

Articles from out of print editions of
Caerdroia -
 the Journal of Mazes & Labyrinths

Labyrinthos Archive

Labyrinthos Archive

Items from the Labyrinthos Library and important papers from the past



Stories from the labyrinth


Mazes or Labyrinths?

What's the difference?

What types are there?


Labyrinth Location Guides

Labyrinths and mazes of specific types
and in various regions and locations